Smart Governance and Operational Models for Agroecological Carbon Farming

Farms4Climate aims to facilitate the creation and development of community-based organizations that can drive economic growth by promoting agroecological carbon farming.
This goal is achieved by developing digital tools to operationalize carbon farming for smallholders and empowering stakeholders through programs designed to inspire systemic change and promote eco-entrepreneurship and taxonomy transformative dynamics.
The Farms4Climate consortium is structured around six living labs, each comprising a pilot farm, an agronomic research center, and a digital developer, which will identify carbon farming opportunities relevant to local conditions. Each lab seeks to inspire systemic change in rural communities by leveraging carbon farming and providing inspiration.
The ultimate ambition of the Farms4Climate consortium is to develop a replicable approach that can inspire the creation of rural organizations to drive sustainable innovations across the Mediterranean.
AIR institute – SAE Innova – AVA – UNIBAS – Agreenment Srl – UCSC – SEKEM – IFOAM – ICARDA – SQLI services – IEF – Heliopolis University
CITIMAP affiliated or linked to UCSC
Duration: aprile 2022 (48 months)
Status: Ongoing
Project website: https://www.farms4climate.eu/
Funding: Co-financed by PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area - Grant Agreement 2111). Granted contribution: €2,749,437.50.