Crediti del carbonio credibili e trasparenti con tecniche di Carbon Farming sostenibili

Recent years are witnessing increasingly abrupt and dramatic climate change due to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Through carbon farming practices, agriculture can play a key role in mitigating climate change by generating carbon credits that can be sold on the market.
The ambition of the Go Carbon Farmer project is to explore with the farms involved the true potential of carbon farming to generate carbon credit certificates following the guidelines of the European regulation.
The aim is to demonstrate the development and running of a real certification and verification project of carbon uptake in agricultural soils through the implementation of a carbon farming programme on 10 farms in the region.

Research partners
- Consorzio Agrario Terrepadane – Capofila
- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
- CITIMAP scarl
- Centro di Formazione, Sperimentazione e Innovazione “Vittorio Tadini”
- Az. Agr. Bosco - Soc. Agr.
- Az. Agr. Il Canalone di Orefici - Soc. Agr.
- Az. Agr. Casa Nuova - Soc. Agr.
- Cooperativa Macchine Agricole Solierese - Soc. Agr. Coop.
- Az. Agr. Crotti Marco - Soc. Ind.
- Az. Agr. Maroadi Nicola - Soc. Ind.
- Az. Agr. Milani Rodolfo - Soc. Ind.
- Az. Agr. Mola - Soc. Agr.
- Az. Agr. La Salamandria - Soc. Agr.
- Az. Agr. Stagni Massimo - Soc. Ind.
Duration: 27/09/2024 - 26/09/2027
Status: Ongoing
Project website: https://terrepadane.it
Contribution requested: € 366,230.78
Funded contribution: € 365,636.78
Funding: Strategic Programme of the CAP 2023-2027 of the Emilia-Romagna Region - Support to the PEI AGRI Operational Groups - Call for proposals SR