A MOnitoring & REmote system for a MORE sustainable farming

The project aims to develop a platform for collecting and managing territorial and farm-level data to provide users (technicians or farmers) with information to support decision-making and promote more sustainable farming techniques, such as site-specific management (precision farming).
A specialized company in the installation of wireless sensor networks for agro-environmental monitoring, a company applying drones in agriculture, and two IT service companies for the territory or agricultural enterprises have expressed interest in the project's results and possible further industrial developments.
The project aims to develop innovative methods for monitoring soil and plant status (in-situ sensors) and their spatial variability (satellite and drone remote sensing). Additionally, it intends to organize decision-support data (agronomic, meteorological, phytopathological, etc.) from various public and private sources into a single IT hub, as these data are currently rarely interconnected or offered separately without integration.
The project aims to define and develop precision farming techniques for target crops in the province, such as corn and industrial tomatoes. The project's output will be a prototype information system, accessible to technicians and farmers, capable of supporting more sustainable operational choices by monitoring the actual needs of the territory or farm using a site-specific approach.
MO.RE.FARMING includes a laboratory phase where a prototype control unit capable of collecting and processing data from cameras and a network of sensors will be developed, along with a spectral agro-database through remotely sensed data to assess the variability of vegetative conditions in individual plots and to prepare prescription maps aimed at a precision farming approach. In the field phase, the operation of sensors in various crop and phytopathological conditions will be evaluated, and sustainable site-specific techniques for irrigation and nitrogen fertilization of target crops such as corn and industrial tomatoes will be developed.
Research Partners
- CRPV lab – Capofila
Industry Partners
- AeroDron S.r.l
- Agronica Group S.r.l
- Onit Group S.p.A.
- Winet S.r.l
Duration: 01/03/2020 - 30/12/2022
Stauts: Concluded
Funding: Project co-financed by POR FESR European Regional Development Fund - Program 2014-2020, Axis 1, Action 1.2.2 Call for research laboratory clusters. Granted contribution: €855,110.00.